Natural Medicine And Hepatitis C Virus

I have had an interest in Hepatitis C since my brother was diagnosed with it in 1995. It is a viral condition characterized by inflammation of the liver cells which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and even death. There is no really effective medical treatment for this condition. Interferon, an injectable drug, has been used, but its effectiveness is at best 54%, and of course, there can be side effects.

However, natural medicine has had excellent results with this condition as well as other liver diseases. The main focus is to decrease the toxic load on the liver by identifying any foods, chemicals or drugs the patient may be ingesting that are harmful to the liver, and then by prescribing appropriate nutrients (that are specific to each patient) to decrease the liver inflammation and increase the healing capabilities of the body.

Along with this, there is a relatively new natural substance that greatly aids the immune system's effort in attacking Hepatitis C virus, as well as many other viruses. Its chemical name is lauric acid. It has the ability to melt away the fatty layer that surrounds viruses making them "invisible" to the immune system. Once the virus is exposed, a strengthened immune system can find, attack and destroy it.

Thanks to natural medicine and my brother's desire to take responsibility for his own health, he is well on his way to reversing this dangerous and chronic condition.

If you or someone you love needs help with this condition, please contact us to arrange an initial consulation.