Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you help my condition?

    This is one of the main reasons for the New Patient consultation. The doctor meets with the prospective patient to discuss their concerns and what...
  • Are you a "real" doctor?

    If this question is meant to find out if Dr. Piro is a medical doctor, the answer is no. However, if it is meant to find out if she is responsible...
  • Are you a chiropractor?

    Yes. Dr. Piro is a D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic); however she has also attained a post-doctoral degree in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Internal D...
  • Will I have to take a lot of pills?

    There is a great variety of what can be done to help certain conditions. Dr. Piro does take into account patients' likes and dislikes and gives ea...
  • How often will I need to see the doctor?

    It takes about two visits after the initial consultation to complete the diagnostic work-up. However, some patients, especially those that come a ...
  • What do I need to bring to an appointment?

    At the initial consultation, bring any past records you have that are pertinent to the condition you are seeing the physician for. Also, the name ...
  • Does my insurance cover it?

    We do not accept assignment on insurance, therefore we are out of network. Our patients file for reimbursement from their insurance company.