"My son was being treated by a neurologist for partial temporal lobe seizures..."

My son was being treated by a neurologist for partial temporal lobe seizures, ADD, nervous & uncontrolled, tie back in 2004. We were spending time month after month doing EEG's, blood work and trying different medications like Statera, Adderall, etc. Cristian would have to miss scholl because of the EEG's (Sleepy and being up till late.) Cristian's medicine started wearing out and we would have to put him on a different medication. His grades started dropping and his personality changed all together. He was frustrated going through paranoid periods and being very verbally abusive. The doctor would increase his does or change his medications. I decided to bring him to see Dr. Piro in July of 2005 and today he is a totally different kid. His academic grades improved tremendously, his attitude and personality changed back to the young kid I've always known. He is more active and eating the right foods. I would never think of changing doctors - Dr. Piro has helped him tremendously and I am so grateful for all she has done. I am hoping to get our entire family under natural medicine. Going Natural makes a difference in life!!

Olga Q.