"My eyes were actually healthier after working with Dr. Piro..."

I have known Dr. Janice Piro for many years, during which time she often urged me to change both my diet and lifestyle. Aware that I was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at age 21 (I am now 51). Dr. Piro felt that through better nutrition, I could mitigate some of the toll this disease so often takes. However, it was not until five years ago, prompted by a diagnoses of diabetic retinopathy, that I finally made the commitment to seriously change my life.

My ophthalmologist told me that while I could possibly slow the disease's progression, it would never go away. This was truly frightening. As a police sergeant in a busy resort town (a job I love), I must take twice yearly firearms qualifications in order to continue working. Diminished vision would make it impossible to pass these qualifications. I am also the father of two young children, the idea that my illness might prevent me from fully participating in their lives was devastating. This was when I told Dr. Piro I was ready to listen...

Her first recommendation was that I read a book titled, Please Don't Eat the Wallpaper, which outlined in basic terms the kind of diet I would need to follow. This book was simple, yet so important. At this point Dr. Piro also designed, based on blood tests, an extensive program of supplements that would help restore my body to health. She felt strongly that this program, coupled with her careful monitoring of my lab work would result in diminishing the damage to my eyes caused by the diabetic retinopathy.

When I first mentioned the new program I was following to my ophthalmologist at my three month check-up, he laughed it off. However, a year later he sat back after examining my eyes and said quietly, "I don't know what you're doing but whatever it is, it's working. Keep doing it.". The damage to my eyes that he had noticed earlier, something he swore could not be lessened or decreased (only future progression of damage slowed) had in fact been lessened. My eyes were actually healthier after working with Dr. Piro for a year than they had been initially.

Through Dr. Piro I learned that the backs of the eyes truly are windows into a person's entire well-being and my work with her in the last five years has drastically improved all aspects of my health. I am more fit than I have ever been, have more energy, routinely excel on work-related physical tests and get to fully participate in my children's lives. Dr. Piro's expertise, her guidance in my health care, her detailed program of diet and nutrition has changed my life. I see the world better thanks to her.