"I am feeling terrific!"

I would like to take this opportunity in expressing my gratitude to you for helping me in not only feeling better, but for also developing a personalized health plan for me to remain that way.

After taking an antidepressant for over a year, I was bound and determined to find a better way to help myself feel better. Yes, the pill was helping the depression but I was still feeling lousy physically. I stopped taking the ant-depressant on my own, as I knew there had to be a natural way to address my issues. That's when a friend gave me Dr. Piro's name and number.

I made the appointment not knowing what to expect; Dr. Piro made me feel at ease immediately, while listening to all of my concerns. After an examination, she told me she knew why I was feeling so bad. Keep in mind; I had been seeing my MD for over a year for the same issues with no results other than a prescription for an ant-depressant.

Dr. Piro put me on several natural supplements and a detox program. In 2 weeks time, I could feel a difference in myself. I remember that being such an encouragement for me, I could actually feel good again!

It has been over 3 months now, and I am feeling terrific! I have energy, I want to do things, see people and I have no pain whatsoever. I cannot thank Dr. Piro and her staff enough for their helping me regain my life back. My husband puts it the best, "I have my wife back!"
