"Honestly, I haven't felt this good in years..."

Have you ever been lost , and the further you went the more lost you became? That's how I have felt about my health care. I've had a doctor tell me he would listen only to two concerns per visit. My list was quite long. Some advised me to go to counseling because there was nothing wrong with me. Other's acknowledged problems with my blood work such as anemia, and thyroid problems but did not treat them. I've complained with earaches for two years solid and with three different doctors and nothing has been done. Oh, and the diets I've tried. You see I've gained 30 extra pounds on top of being overweight to begin with. Since I have found Dr. Piro I have been examined, blood work done, a food allergy test done and had bi-weekly treatments. Some of my main concerns were constipation, ear aches, swollen and sore glands in throat, headaches, bloating, stomach problems, sinus and being tired. My exam and blood work determined certain problems. Dr. Piro began treatment and put me on vitamins. It's been three weeks since my first treatment, my ears have been clear of pain for two weeks, the swelling in my throat is gone, the pressure in my face has cleared, I feel good and have lost 10 pounds. I have actually taken the dog for a walk twice this week. My food allergy test showed my allergy's were some of the most common foods in my diet, such as yeast (love that bread), cane sugar (that's why eating a donut would literally put me in bed), tomatoes, pears, eggs, cucumbers, peanuts. Can you imagine a doctor discovering this and after removing them from my diet that I am seeing and feeling results this fast. Let me tell you I'm still trying to believe it also but honestly I haven't felt this good in years. Do you think I mind giving up some foods. No way. I feel great!

Diana A.