"I had been dealing with significant pain..."

I heard Dr. Piro's name mentioned many times by Dr. Jan McBarron on her Duke and the Doctor radio show. I had been dealing with significant pain from fibromyalgia, low back pain from a birth defect, and life-long allergies. I also had problems with stress incontinence, high cholesterol and high blood sugar. My medical doctor prescribed more and more drugs, some of which made me sicker. I tried taking supplements on my own, but never knew if I was taking the right ones. Finally, with lots of problems and little energy, I contacted Dr. Piro last November (2013).

Since working with Dr. Piro, I have gone gluten free at her suggestion. I have taken all the supplements she recommended, based on results of blood work. Dr. Piro also adjusts my spine as needed. I am happy to report that I have very little fibromyalgia pain, which was one of my biggest energy drains. My back is better, and I have no problems with my allergies. I gave up my DetrolLA for a natural supplement to control the stress and incontinence, and it has been very successful! We're still working to reduce both the cholesterol and the blood sugar, but give the results so far, I'm confident those numbers will improve with time.

As an added benefit, I've lost 16 pounds and gone from a size 14 to a 12!

Dr. Piro listens and she works with me. I feel like I have a partner in my health care vs. someone telling me what to do. I highly recommend her. If you're like me and tired of not getting better, give Dr. Piro a call.