"After receiving the Gardasil shot, I spent many years very sick..."

After receiving the Gardasil shot, I spent many years very sick. I collapsed the moment that I got the shot and my primary doctor just said it was nerves. As weeks and months passed, I went from a twice a year volleyball player to a very weak, tired girl with huge headaches, dizziness, nausea and more. As time went on, more effects took over my body, such as foggy memory, difficulty concentrating, the shakes, a swollen nerve behind my eye, and my blood pressure went so very high. We discovered through a monitor that my blood pressure did not even go down when I slept, getting as high as 200+/100+ for a teenager. Test after test, more and more medications, specialist after specialist, no one helped and NO ONE believed it was the Gardasil shot. Until Dr. Piro.. I had a week long stay at Mease Hospital, from collaping because my BP got life threatening high and Doctors trying to tell me I needed to workout more, and it was depression. Then I met Dr. Piro for the first time. She looked at me and told me she believed me and could help me!! Besides my mom, Dr. Piro was the first to say that to me. With Dr. Piro's treatment, I am a new person with tons of energy and my blood pressure is perfectly normal with NO medications. No more tiredness, shakes, "elephant sitting on my chest" feeling, and so much more!! I truly recommend her to anyone especially if you are suffering from a reaction to a vaccine. Thank you so much Dr. Piro.