"After an Auto Accident in August 1988, I experienced neck and low back pain..."

After an Auto Accident in August 1988, I experienced neck and low back pain. The emergency room doctor ordered x-rays and a cervical collar. Since the x-rays showed no fractures, I was sent home to "rest a few days and take Tylenol for discomfort". The discomfort became pain, and a visit to the family physician led to medication for pain, muscle relaxants and moist heat 20 minutes every hour. As I continued this regime, for one year, my condition worsened. Pain was constant and my mobility almost nonexistent. I had seen Dr. Piro's ad in the paper. "Gentle Chiropractic" caught my eye, and her specific areas of study impressed me! Never before had I gone to a doctor of any kind without a personal recommendation. I mentioned this fact to Dr. Piro when we met. When I called for an appointment I was in severe pain and barely able to walk with help. Dr. Piro took me as an emergency that afternoon. There was a noticeable improvement after one week of micro-current and ice therapy. The ice packs reduced the inflammation in the sacroiliacs joints as I continued them at home on Dr. Piro's advice. Now I could turn in bed without pain -- something I was unable to do for almost a year. As treatment continued, I regained mobility and the pain diminished. Dr. Piro has treated me for a year now, the last several months of which I have been on maintenance care. Now I am relatively pain free. Also, I never miss an appointment and that is extremely important in the total care plan. August 1988 to August 1989 was the most stressful year of my life. All due to pain --unnecessary pain -- because I wasn't receiving "healing" therapy. Dr. Piro has my personal recommendation.

Lylla L. RN, BSN, CCRN