"After 2 miscarriages within the past two years, I felt fatigued..."

After 2 miscarriages within the past two years, I felt fatigued for several months and was determined to get to the root of the issue because I am a high energy person. After consulting with fertility specialists and listening to "try select drugs, then IVF and possibly blood thinners to help blood flow so that my body would not reject the fetus," I decided to give drugs two tries. I felt horrible and my body felt sick overall. After prayers and keeping a positive attitude, many people thought I was in denial. I knew the answer was around the corner. My sister-in-law encouraged me to contact Dr. Janice Piro, who was highly recommended as "the" best doctor.

During my consultation with Dr. Piro, she suggested we work together to get my body prepared to hold a pregnancy, so I agreed. The was addressed through a few lab tests, a natural live detox, and overall natural medicine approach to get my body back into balance. After 3 months, we tried to conceive and it worked the first time around!Today I am 6 months pregnant and feeling great at age 41. Dr. Piro works to get to the "root of the issue" and get the body back into balance the way nature intended.

Thank you Dr. Piro! You're the best!
Dina S.