Homeopathic hCG Diet
This diet is based upon Dr. A.T.W. Simeons’ injectible hCG diet. We, however, do not use the injectible hCG hormone. We are using the homeopathic hCG oral drops to stimulate the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the gland in the brain that controls hunger and directs the pituitary gland function which is also in the brain. The pituitary gland is considered the “master gland” because it controls all the other glands.
The theory that this diet is based upon, and has proven out in case after case, is that hCG stimulates the hypothalamus to allow the body to survive without hunger on a 500 calorie diet. It also causes the body to use stored fat for energy. It is a 4 to 6 week diet only, designed to “kick start” the endocrine system. It is imperative that the two week transition period coming off this diet is done correctly so that the pounds lost do not reappear.
For further information, please go to www.hcgbodyshaper.com/simeon.pdf. When reading this, remember that Dr. Simeon is using the injectible hormone which we do not recommend. The homeopathic hCG works just as well without the dangers of using an injectible hormone.
We will be offering free introductory seminars for anyone interested in this diet. You may call our office to find out when the next one is scheduled at 727-789-4020.