Antibiotics: Friend or Foe

The overuse of antibiotics has recently been implicated in the rise in what is called the "super bug" generation. Viruses are getting stronger, simply due to the "survival of the fittest." As we use antibiotics to kill off viruses, the viruses genetically become stronger.

To make matters worse, the use of antibiotics causes a bypass of our body's own immune system. The development of this system occurs up to age 5. The mechanism by which it develops is through the body's contact with different viruses and bacteria. This stimulates the creation of our natural antibodies.

Each time an antibiotic is administered, an opportunity for the immune system to develop is lost. Of course, there are times antibiotics must he used to avoid irreparable organ damage. But very often, other methods can be employed that will do the job and help strengthen the immune system at the same time.

Fevers and Antibiotics

Fevers, for example, are widely misunderstood. Fevers have been equated with infection and therefore, the need for an antibiotic. A fever is the body's own mechanism for increasing metabolism to draw calcium out of the bone. This calcium is the fuel of the immune system. So rather than cool down the fever with aspirin, feed it calcium. That is what it's after. In this manner, you will avoid overuse of antibiotics, while you help develop the immune system.

Two cautions: If the fever is above 102° F. or lasts for more than four days, see your doctor. Also, calcium carbonate (or oyster shell) will not work. It must be elemental calcium such as calcium lactate.